Author: Alex Owens
Publisher: Quirky Gurl Media
Date Published: April 16th, 2012
Author & Book Info:
3.5 out of 5 Stars
Blurb: Three days ago, Claire was a wife, a mother, and very much alive… then the music called for her.When I started reading Kill me, the first in a trilogy by new author Alex Owens I expected the usual - Vampires, Intrigue, Drama and a little bit of Spice.
Claire has one goal for the conference— to land a few whales so that her boss will give her a badly needed raise. She pitches and prays while courting the music industry elite until her plans are derailed by hotness-in-high-heels.
Bette is at the conference on a mission—to find a human with untapped talents that she can mold and control. Bette uses her cursed violin to lure Claire in with a haunting song, which unravels Claire’s life as her new talents emerge. To make matters worse, Claire is attracted to two unlikely people— Bette and her hunky associate, Gregor. Both can light Claire’s fire, but is either of them the only one?
Unfortunately for Claire, life isn’t all song lyrics and seduction. Tied to darkness by blood and power, Claire must harness her abilities if she has any hope of returning home to her daughter and regaining her former life… if that’s what she really wants.
Kill Me, the debut novel from author Alex Owens, is a quirky paranormal fantasy complete with music, magic, fangs and freaks. It is also the first in a planned series, with the second book due out by the Fall of 2012. Be forewarned, this is not your daughter’s paranormal.
What I did not expect was the hilarious writing! A few pages into the book and it is crystal clear that Owen's strong suit is her ability to hit the funny bone every few sentences. Her protagonist is sharp and witty - and at her peak form when snarky. Clara is a struggling mom, earning the dough and her husband's mire at the same time. But you aren't allowed to feel bad for her, mind you. How can you pity a woman who stands her ground when challenged and is refreshingly non-judgmental to all the weirdness the world has to show?
She is good at her job, loves her daughter Quinn, thinks beer is bitter and is just the right amount of self-doubting to make you root for her. Very normal, all that. Specially for a woman who unknowingly had been a well of untapped talents.
Owens gives the reader a bit of clue here and there, never fully satisfying the curiosity until it all starts coming together and you think, Now that was worth the wait.
The characters are well fleshed-out. No one dimensional people inhabit this paranormal world, thank you very much.
It shows in her writing, that Owens took exceptional delight while creating Bette - You can imagine the stunning, slightly flippant, wholly poised & polished Italian woman in minute details.
Special mention for Gregor who has all the elements you want in a book hero - Gorgeous & Dangerous. And not really human.
The book blurb mentions Clara being attracted to Bette, what it does not say is that she acts on that attraction. So I guess I was caught off guard.
There are a few highly graphic explanations that go hand in hand with some heavy duty steamy scenes. So if you are not 18, you might just want to wait to touch that age before you settle down with Kill Me.
Highlights of this book and the bits I found best :
- The mom-daughter relationship b/w Clara & Quinn - not overly sentimental but understated & cute
- The comic timing and some really witty mental dialogues
- Enjoyable, fun and fast plot.
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