Bought, Borrowed, & Bagged #29

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BB&B (Bought, Borrowed and Bagged) is a weekly meme hosted by Talk Supe where we share the books that we have bought, borrowed or bagged (won) plus a recap of the previous week's reviews, upcoming reviews, on going events and any news we want to share with our followers.
Click the pictures for the Amazon link or the title for the Goodreads link.



Last Week on Book Liaison:

Blog News:

  Sorry there was no Freebie Friday Post this week, but I had a ton of errands to run, and my kids had a sleep over so I ended up with 9 kids, overnight! Yep, I'm crazy like that lol. I did try to get to it, but as you could guess it was a little to crazy to work on at the time :)

SAHM to four rowdy kids. Avid reader and blogger.


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